Post #32 – Thank you, Mother Nature from a very HAPPY Bitch!

Today, there are no tithes to pay to any bill collectors or any banks.

There are no 22-year-old teenagers who are unemployed and balking about applying for jobs that he’s “not going to do” as if such is beneath him – despite his limited work history.

There is no corporate prison and its dreary cubicle existence poised to darken the door of my future in less than a fortnight.

Nay, there are only dark chocolate with peanut butter at present with a dose of red wine waiting in the wings, this magnificent sun pictured below – and last but not least, a Tenacious Bitch who is eternally grateful that the cruel and bitter winter has decided to take the day off! And by brutal, t’was -12 F less than 14 days ago!

THANK YOU, MOTHER EARTH/SUN/SKY for your beauty and the cloudless blue sky and 70 degrees of warmth bestowed upon us today….and please ignore the paleness of my almost colorless skin so eager to bronze in the luscious rays to come… 🙂


FYI….this was originally penned on Monday, March 16, 2015. I just forgot to post it….


OVER AND OUT from Lunatic Central!
